Saturday, October 12, 2013

what are the Top 5 iPad Apps to Create Powerful Presentations?

Have you ever been caught in a situation where you had to create a presentation and were away from your computer, and thought it would have been great if you had a good presentation app on your iOS device. If so your wait ends here. Listed here are top 5 such apps and you may employ for the purpose of creating amazing business and professional presentations.

As iPad has become a favorite choice of millions of people, the use of this computing device has become mandatory in the lives of many people around the globe. They belong to any profession like teaching, medical, engineering, business, accountancy, and so on; the need for mobile computing devices is a must for them. Apple has always endeavored to develop innovative apps in order to keep the interest of their customers alive in their iPads. They have also developed ground-breaking apps for meetings and presentations.

Here are 5 best iPad apps for presentations.
1. Keynote
All of Apple’s computing and mobile devices allow you to run hundreds and thousands of apps. There is no end to the software that you can run on iPhone, iPod and iPad. Keynote is a standard and default app that helps you prepare wonderful presentations for your required jobs.

If you have been a Microsoft Windows user, you may take it to be a substitute of PowerPoint. It is so easy to use that you will be able to use it readily for your purpose. It will require a few hours to understand the process and then you are on the go. Keynote lets you develop colorful presentations for meetings.
(Apple Store:-

2. QuickOffice Pro HD
The QuickOffice Pro has the capability of using PowerPoint support along with using the iPad apps of Apple. Although it is a little bit costlier, you may still use it as it is equivalent to the Microsoft Office Pack. This app allows you to create gorgeous and highly compatible .ppt presentations without any problems around. The method of creating these apps is also pretty straightforward.

(Apple Store:-
3. Haiku Deck
Haiku is available free of cost over the World Wide Web. It is simple way of creating apps for iPads. It has an elegant design and possesses many features that distinguish it from others. Although it has low support for adding backgrounds and share lists, yet it allows you to create presentation icons for iPad in an elegant and gorgeous manner.

Haiku Deck is student friendly and allows you to produce slides that have photo background with a little bit of text. It is equally beneficial for students and teachers who can create as many presentations as they like.

(Apple Store:-

4. SlideShark
SlideShark is also available free of cost over the World Wide Web. It not only allows you to create presentations, it also helps you to use web pages, PDFs and  HTML files to create the presentations of your choice. This is an iPad presentation that provides support for all of PowerPoint files, images and other file sharing processes that you need in the contemporary computers in fast mode.

(Apple Store:-
5. Prezi
Prezi is another free presentation app that is accessible through internet. It allows you to create a presentation that has a single canvas rather than many swipe-able slides. Everything is stored on one page and your text, pictures, videos, etc, are placed in order to make sure that everything remains in sequence through pathways. It also allows you to modify built-in presentations for your personal use so that to create them in few minutes. Moreover, this iPad app is easy to learn and use and you can adapt to it even if you have been the PowerPoint user.

(Apple Store:-

The list of iPad apps is not limited to the apps mentioned above. There are several other iPad apps that you may employ for creating the presentations for meetings. All these apps ensure that you get the best way of creating apps that let you stand out among others. The main purpose of creating these apps is to impress others and you have to ensure that everything remains in your control when presenting yourself to others. You want colorful applications with supporting graphics and the iPad apps allow you to do so. Get them now to create the presentations for your iPhone, iPad, etc, accordingly.


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