Sunday, October 20, 2013

Top 7 Mobile Apps for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, your productivity and the quality of your output depends on your ability to manage your time, multitask, raise and manage capital as well as inspire people to consider using your product or services. And from time to time, even the best of us need some help in getting the best out of our businesses. This is where mobile applications come in.
At TechAhead, we believe in sharing new knowledge not rehashing old ones therefore, our list of top 10’s will not cover the popular business apps you may have encountered but it will touch on slightly obscure apps that will definitely increase your overall work productivity. These apps will cut across operating systems and mobile ecosystems so that everyone–regardless of mobile affiliation–can take something out of today’s list.


Category: Fundraising/Presentation
Price: $9.99
As an entrepreneur, the process of raising capital for your business is as important as having a unique idea that can be sold to the public and in the evergreen words of Mr Ford, an idea is worth only the effort put into making it a reality.
For entrepreneurs who have exhausted the financial goodwill of both family and friends, the Keynote app can be your lifesaver. It encourages entrepreneurs to create customized presentations and share your ideas with members of the public who might believe in your prospects of success.

Category: Finance
Price: $2.99
Once you have finally raised enough capital to kick start your dream, the next step is ensuring that every cent is used for the task it was assigned to and Moneybook is just the tool designed to keep your finances on the right track. With Money book, you can create spending schedules and reminders as well as save details such as receipts and tellers corresponding to particular transactions.


Category: Productivity and Sharing
Price: Plans and pricing are tailored to suit your needs
Do you make use of sensitive documents while running your business? and do you need to share it sometimes with collaborators and other workers? Then Netkiller a Google based app is definitely for you.
Netkiller allows you manage your Google drive account by setting security features on all company files. These files can be assigned a security number–from 1-5–depending on how important a document might be. Once a documents security number has been set, only individuals assigned security clearance numbers can view your organizations documents. This is how it works; individuals assigned with the number 1 can view all documents with security numbers from 1-5, while individuals given the number 5 can view only documents secured under the 5th category.
(Official Site:‎)

Connect Now

Category: Productivity/\Networking
Price: Free
The Connect now application allow entrepreneurs share business information or details using a digital footprint. With the app, you no longer need to exchange just phone numbers and e-mail addresses but you can also exchange your social account details, website, and media channels.


Category: Productivity
Price: Free
If you are one of those who make use of mobile data plans for handling your day-to-day activities, you would agree with me when I say that the data consumption capacity of an Android or iOS devicecan quickly burn a hole the size of the grand canyon in your pocket. Watchdog serves as a data consumption regulatory body that can be used to monitor your consumption habits as well as set daily or monthly data caps on your consumption.

StopWatch & Timer

Category: Productivity
Price: Free
For the “work from home” entrepreneur, keeping tabs on your hourly output and the amount of time you spend on a client’s project can be quite important for billing and productivity purposes…and this is where Timer comes in. With this app, you can assign the amount of time you plan to spend on a single project and set the alarm to help you stay on course as well as just monitor your working hours for posterity.


Category: Productivity/Analytics
Price: 9.99$
Clicky help online entrepreneurs stay ahead of their game by monitoring all the important stats your website generates according to your preferences. With clicky, you can set minute, daily or monthly status updates. It combines most of Google analytics features but presents your stats in a more user-friendly manner.
(Official Website:-

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