Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Benefits of Blogging for Small Business; Getting Past the Excuses.

For years internet marketers have been encouraging businesses to start blogs. There are many benefits to blogging that a website just doesn’t see without one. With that said though, millions of small businesses still haven’t started a blog.

some thinks that it has been already late to start,so they think that it is time waste, but the fact is
tommorow is today's late ...

They all have excuses, some seemingly good, as to why they haven’t began a blog, but their businesses still do not see the benefits that many others have and do. It’s time to bust through those excuses today. No more waiting, no more hemming and hawing. After this post you’ll have no reason to not start your company’s blog. Let’s get started.

Excuses for Not Blogging

#1- No Time

Every day we each get to decide what to do with our 24 hours. That’s right. You get to decide. Now is a good time to go through how you are spending that 24 hours and find the time it takes to write an article every day or two. Or and even better, analyze company time and see who has the time to contribute.

#2- It’s all been written. I don’t want to write stuff that is already out there

When a blogger writes something, they earn a place in the reader’s mind as an authority on the topic. (This is generally seen after reading multiple posts.) So even though some of the information has already been written by someone else, you want the same kind of content on your website to showcase your authority and knowledge as well. This doesn’t mean you can go copy anyone’s content, but you should show off your expertise by providing information you know will be useful – regardless of its existence somewhere else online.

#3- I don’t know what to say

I will admit that this is one of the excuses that holds the most water, but is also easily remedied. To figure out what to write on your blog, start with the questions your customers ask. Turn each blog post into an answer for your customers and you’ve got several weeks to months worth of content to write. This strategy comes from Marcus Sheridan, a content marketing expert who helps businesses use the power of inbound marketing
What are the Benefits of Blogging?

In case you haven’t seen a curated list of the benefits of blogging in one place to help you realize exactly how beneficial it is, I’d like to show you the benefits of blogging:

More traffic to your website: new content on your website attracts more visitors through search engines and social media.

  • New content creates returning visitors
  • Specific content great for social media sharing which brings readers from diverse sources
  • Growth as an authority figure
  • Gain visitors’ trust
  • Generate more website sales

Get Started: Choose a Platform

It’s time to start your blog and today is the best time to do it. Depending on your technical experience, there are a variety of platforms you can use to set up your blog. WordPress &GOOGLE BLOGS is a common platform many bloggers use, but self-hosted WordPress requires website installation. If you can’t do installation yourself, or hire someone to do it for you there are other alternatives you can use. One alternate platform is the Empower Network Blogging System. Empower Network provides a blogging platform that is set up for you, and provides access to a video library that teaches both blogging strategy and marketing. With Empower all you have to do is set up an account, add your business name and you can start blogging.
But google blogs are easy and have no cost so try  using GOOGLE blogs and earn two hand fully.......

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